Nätverk för teologiska bibliotek i Sverige

Nätverk för teologiska bibliotek i Sverige / Network for Theological Libraries in Sweden (NTBS)


The Network for Theological Libraries in Sweden (NTBS) was founded in 2020. It is an informal network of libraries and librarians working with theological collections and related materials. The objective of the network is to share information and experience related to theological librarianship. NBTS is also a member of Bibliothèques Européennes de Theologie (BETH).


Medlemsbibliotek / Member libraries:

Akademi för Ledarskap och Teologi / ALT School of Theology Contact: Maria Brolin, maria.brolin@altutbildning.se

Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm / University College Stockholm Contact: Henrik Hannfors, henrik.hannfors@ehs.se

Församlingsfakulteten / The Lutheran School of Theology Contact: Jonathan Ådahl, bibliotek@ffg.se

HT-biblioteken, Lunds universitet / Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University. Contact: Jacob Andersson, jacob.andersson@htbibl.lu.se

Johannelunds teologiska högskola / Johannelund School of Theology Contact: Per Stenlund, per.stenlund@johannelund.nu

Kungl. Biblioteket/Roggebiblioteket / National Library of Sweden/Rogge library Contact: Elin Andersson, elin.andersson@kb.se 

Marie Cederschiöld högskola / Marie Cederschiöld University Contact: Peter Svensson, peter.svensson@mchs.se

Newmaninstitutet / The Newman Institute Contact: Ann-Ida Fehn, ann-ida.fehn@newman.se


Website and listserv contact: Maria Brolin, maria.brolin@altutbildning.se