Matthew Nowachek

0735-23 56 37
Marquette University – PhD in Philosophy, 2009-2017
▪ Dissertation: “Living within the Sacred Tension: Paradox and Its Significance for Christian Existence in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard.”
Schloss Mittersill Study Centre – B.Th Honors in Theology, 2004-2006.
Bethel University – B.A. in Philosophy, B.A. in History, Magna Cum Laude, 1999-2003.
Teaching experience
Academy for Leadership and Theology (Malmö, Sweden).
Various Courses and Discussion Groups: Fall 2019-present.
Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA)
PHIL 1001 – Philosophy of Human Nature: Fall 2010 (two sections).
PHIL 2310 – Theory of Ethics: Spring 2011 (two sections), Fall 2011 (two sections), Spring 2012 (two Honors
sections), Spring 2013 (one regular section, one Honors section), Fall 2013 (two sections), Spring 2014 (one regular section, one Honors section).
PHIL 3660 – Marx and Marxism (shadow teacher): Spring 2010.
PHIL 4320 – Contemporary Ethical Problems: Fall 2012 (two sections).
Schloss Mittersill Study Centre (Mittersill, Austria)
Introductory Greek I: Spring 2005.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
1. 2016. “The Monumental Task of Kierkegaard’s Attack upon Christendom.” In Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2016, 159-185, ed. Heiko Schulz, Jon Stewart, and Karl Verstrynge. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/kierke-2016-011.
2. 2016. “Teaching How to Read Ethics Texts with the Help of Kierkegaard’s ‘The Mirror of the Word’.” Teaching Ethics, 16(1): 103-120. DOI: 10.5840/tej20164533.
3. 2014. “Challenging the Violence of Retributivism: Kierkegaard, Works of Love, and the Dialectic of Edification.” Journal for Peace & Justice Studies, 23(2): 21-52. DOI: 10.5840/peacejustice201323220.
4. 2014. “Kierkegaard as Pedagogue: Some Insights for Teaching Introductory Philosophy Courses.” Teaching Philosophy, 37(3): 343-363. DOI: 10.5840/teachphil201462320.
5. 2014. “Living within the Sacred Tension: Kierkegaard’s Climacean Works as a Guide for Christian Existence.” Heythrop Journal, 55(5): 883-902. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2265.2012.00797.x.
6. 2014. “Why Robots Can’t Become Racist, and Why Humans Can.” PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 9(1): 57-88. DOI: 10.22329/p.v9i1.4013.
7. 2013. “John the Baptist as Exemplar for the Understanding: Reading Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments alongside an Upbuilding Discourse.” Theology, 116(4): 254-265. DOI: 10.1177/0040571X13482696.
8. 2012. “On the Non-Bracketing of Fairy Tale in Paradox Discourse: Kierkegaard, the Analytic Tradition, and the Importance of Inclusivity.” International Philosophical Quarterly, 52(1): 5-20. DOI: 10.5840/ipq20125212.
Publications in Edited Collections
1. 2017. “Allan Green, Kierkegaards samtida: Personhistoriska skisser.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 277-281, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
2. 2017. “Arnold Ljungdal, Problemet Kierkegaard.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 313-317, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
3. 2017. “Edward A. Harris, Gör ditt val: En introduktion till Kierkegaards subjektivitetsteori.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 283-287, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
4. 2017. “[Edward] Ted Harris and Ann Lagerström, Konsten att leva innerligt: Existentialism för den moderna människan.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 289-293, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
5. 2017. “Ingmar Simonsson, Kierkegaard i vår tid.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 323-327, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
6. 2017. “John Björkhem, Sören Kierkegaard i psykologisk belysning.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 243-247, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
7. 2017. “Jonna Hjertström Lappalainen, Den enskilde: En studie av trons profana möjlighet i Sören Kierkegaards tidiga författarskap.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 295-299, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
8. 2017. “Lennart Koskinen, Tid och evighet hos Sören Kierkegaard: En studie i Kierkegaards livsåskådning.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 301-305, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
9. 2017. “Lis Lind, Søren Kierkegaard själv: Psykoanalytiska läsningar.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 307-311, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
10. 2017. “Swedish [Bibliography],” with Joseph Ballan. In Kierkegaard Bibliography, Tome V, 197-233, ed. Peter Sajda and Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 19. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN-10: 1138209511. ISBN-13: 978-1138209510.
11. 2017. “Torsten Bohlin, Kierkegaards dogmatiska åskådning i dess historisk sammanhang.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 261-265, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
12. 2017. “Torsten Bohlin, Kierkegaards tro och andra Kierkegaardstudier.” In Kierkegaard Secondary Literature, Tome VI, 271-275, ed. Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18. Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN: 9781351653800.
Book Reviews
1. Forthcoming. “David Lappano, Kierkegaard’s Theology of Encounter: An Edifying and Polemical Life.” Heythrop Journal.
2. Forthcoming. “Joakim Garff, Kierkegaard’s Muse: The Mystery of Regine Olsen.” Heythrop Journal.
3. 2021. “Stephen Minister, et al., “Kierkegaard’s God and the Good Life.” Heythrop Journal 62(1): 127-128. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.13788.
4. 2020. “Simo Frestadius, Pentecostal Rationality: Epistemology and Theological Hermeneutics in the Foursquare Tradition.” Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 40(2): 160-161. DOI: 10.1080/18124461.2020.1792212.
5. 2020. “Richard Sorabji, Moral Conscience through the Ages: Fifth Century BCE to the Present.” Heythrop Journal 61(2): 352-354. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.13487.
6. 2019. “Stephen S. Bush, Visions of Religion: Experience, Meaning, and Power.” Heythrop Journal 60(3): 465-466. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.13267.
7. 2017. “Jacob H. Sawyer, The Hidden Authorship of Søren Kierkegaard.” Heythrop Journal 58(4): 700-701. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.12619.
8. 2017. “Merold Westphal, Kierkegaard’s Concept of Faith.” Heythrop Journal 58(4): 705-706. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.12623.
9. 2017. “Patrick Stokes, The Naked Self: Kierkegaard and Personal Identity.” Heythrop Journal 58(4): 701-702. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.12620.
10. 2017. “Sheridan Hough, Kierkegaard’s Dancing Tax Collector: Faith, Finitude, and Silence.” Heythrop Journal 58(4): 709-710. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.12626.
11. 2017. “Søren Kierkegaard, The Lily of the Field and The Bird of the Air, translated and with an introduction by Bruce H. Kirmmse.” Heythrop Journal 58(4): 708-709. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.12625.
12. 2016. “Antony Rowland, Poetry as Testimony: Witnessing and Memory in Twentieth-century Poems.” Heythrop Journal 57(5): 877-878. DOI: 10.1111/heyj.43_12328.
13. 2010. “C. Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard: An Introduction.” The Journal of Value Inquiry 44(4): 547-552. DOI: 10.1007/s10790-010-9227-z.
Conference and Academic Presentations
October 2019. “Att följa den sanna vägen genom Aten och Jerusalem.” A lecture hosted by YA-Collegium, Stockholm, Sweden.
September 2019. ”Skapelsen i ljuset av återkomsten.” A lecture hosted by CREDO, Lund, Sweden.
March 2018. “The Good Life in the Global Context: On Martha Nussbaum’s Account of Human Capabilities.” A lecture hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
December 2017. “Deceiving into the Truth? Kierkegaard and the Art of Engaging the Other.” A lecture hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
October 2017. “This Is the Way the World Ends: Kierkegaard and the Crisis of the Present Age.” World Philosophy Day Celebration, in association with Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
February 2017. “Seeing as the Eccentric Lover: Vision, Forgiveness, and Anamorphic Dynamic in Kierkegaard’s ‘Love Hides a Multitude of Sins.’” Søren Kierkegaard Selskabet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
March 2015. “The Monumental Task of Kierkegaard’s Attack upon Christendom.” Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
April 2014. “Why Isn’t Abraham Traumatized? Fear and Trembling, Trauma, and the Wonder of Faith.” Wisconsin Philosophical Association, UW-Madison, Madison WI, USA.
March 2014. “A Life Understood Backward, but Lived Forward: An Existential-Intellectual Journey with Søren Kierkegaard.” Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, USA.
April 2013. “Plantinga, Persons, and the Possibilities of Paradox.” Wisconsin Philosophical Association, Mount Mary College, Milwaukee WI, USA.
March 2011. “Despair and Deliverance: A Kierkegaardian Case for Jean-Luc Marion’s Account of Radical Givenness.” Marquette University Kierkegaard Group, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, USA.
February 2010. “Who Really Cares? On the Relation of Care and Harm as Moral Concepts in Plato’s Apology.” Marquette University Ethics and Political Philosophy Workshop, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, USA.
April 2010. “Comments on ‘Gender and Development: A Reply to David Crocker’.”, Existing Ethically in the 21st Century: 2010 Graduate Student Conference, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, USA.
April 2008. “Identity and Fellowship in Galatians and Today.” Fellowship without Boundaries: International Student Conference, Växjö, Sweden.
April 2002. “The Foundation-Enrichment Solution to the Problem of Book X: The Relation of Divinity and Virtue in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Its Implications for Christian Eudaimonia.” Minnesota State Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, Bethel University, St. Paul MN, USA.
November 2002. “Evidence as Limited Revelation: A Response to William Clifford.” Truman State Philosophy Conference, Truman State University, Kirksville MO, USA.
Awards and Other Distinctions
2014-2016. Guest Researcher at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen.
2014-2015. Awarded the Smith Family Research Fellowship, Marquette University.
2011-2012. Awarded the Thomas C. Anderson Graduate Student Teaching Award, Marquette University.
2011. Guest Researcher at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, University of Copenhagen.
2010-2012. Funded Teaching Assistantship, Marquette University.
2005. Teaching Scholarship, Schloss Mittersill Study Centre.
1999-2003. President’s Scholarship, Bethel University.
1999-2003. Edgren Scholarship, Bethel University.
Other Professional Activities
February 2019. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘Tid, arkitektur & samhällsbygge: Ett designfilosofisk samtal med Lars Jadelius’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
November 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘How [Do We Live the Good Life]?’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
October 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘When [Do We Arrive at a Good Society]?’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
October 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘What [Do I Know] & Why [Do I Do What I Do]?’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
September 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘Where [Do I Place Value]?’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
August 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on ‘Who [Am I]?’” hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
July 2018. Co-organizer and presenter in the workshop “Life.Examined. Find Your Philosophy” Socratic Panel hosted by Life.Examined., Gothenburg, Sweden.
March 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on Den perfekta semestern [The Perfect Vacation]” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
February 2018. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on Tur, slump, Gud & Karma – Vem är det som bestämmer i ditt liv? [Luck, Chance, God, and Karma: Who Decides in Your Life?]” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
December 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on Den Goda Ledaren [The Good Leader]” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
October 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on Människan i vår tid [The Human Being in Our Time]” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
September 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on Jaget och Samhället [The Self and Society]” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
May 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on the Virtue of Practical Wisdom” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
April 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on the Virtue of Moderation” hosted by Filoprax and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
March 2017. Panel member in the “Socratic Panel Discussion on the Virtue of Justice” hosted by Philopraxis and Bronson Consulting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2013-2014. Teaching Mentor to Marquette University graduate students (mentored and supervised three shadow teachers).
2011-2012. Manuscript Reviewer for International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
2011. Participant in the Marquette University Kierkegaard Group.
2010-2012. Philosophy Graduate Student Association PhD Representative, Marquette University.
2010-2011. Chair for the Marquette Department of Philosophy Graduate Colloquial Lecture Series.
2010. Danish/Kierkegaard Reading Group, Marquette University.
2009. Marquette University Teaching Seminar participant.
2007-2008. Substitute Teacher, Prästängskolan, Alvesta, Sweden and Mohedaskolan, Moheda, Sweden.
2007-2008. Swedish Language Studies: Accelerated Swedish, The American Swedish Institute, Minneapolis MN; SFI Swedish for Immigrants, SAS Grund/SAS A-C Swedish as a Second Language, Växjö, Sweden.
2007. Adult Education Instructor for the course Introductory Greek I, Avon Community Church, Avon MN, USA.
2006. Cultural Studies, Mariannelunds folkhögskola, Mariannelund, Sweden.
2002. Philosophy Department Assistant, Bethel University.
2001-2003. Teaching Assistant for Philosophical Traditions I: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, The Philosophy of Religion, and The Philosophical Quest.